Why Instagram Is Where My Creativity Lies

Getting snap happy!...

The disappearing act I like to do on my online space in recent years can primarily be pinned to my sparkly pastel coloured board with three things.

1. You follow the crowd because everyone you loved reading through their own blog posts has also committed to social media spaces.
2. Like everyone else, your attention span is about 20 seconds lon- oh my god that is the cutest sausage dog I've eeever seen!

Sorry where was I?

Oh yeah...

3. Tik Tok has taken over our lives. (Well my life, because I keep sending stupid memes to people)

When blogging was rife with creativity, it was hard not join in when it hit its peak in 2013/2014. In my opinion of course, because that's when I really dived into that glimmering pool of beauty posts, life updates and what kind of tips anybody could give each other. We were all CONSTANTLY updating our spaces and commenting and it felt like a thriving community.

And now, it feels like that has been scaled down to Instagram, where everything is in one place. I mean heck, now they've just made a copy of Twitter called 'Threads'... All my favourite people can post a lovely arty photo of themselves or anything with a caption that literally encapsulates a blog post. And you don't even need to promote it, except on your stories.

I'm still one to be drawn visually to anything. It's like being led into a place with someone waving a pizza in my face. So this was bound to happen eventually.

And so here we are.

You could also say, Instagram has always been my happy place, and more so now, since I've been practicing a bit more with the camera on my phone. We're talking angles, no filter, sharing anything that makes me happy without restricting myself to a "theme". Except, the theme is no theme. (Please see photo above)

So what am I saying in this post?

Times are changing guys, and I plan to dabble on here again sharing some bits and bobs like a book I liked reading, or a random thought I want to explore. But I'm mainly over on the socials, sharing on all forms some pretty roses, my weekly update and telling everyone on Threads that I spent too much money, but it's ok because your twenties is where your supposed to be having fun!

Who else here has migrated to social media?


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Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*