Get to know me sunny questions
There's one thing that I love that hasn't died yet in the blogging community... And that's blogger awards! And I'm so grateful to fellow bloggers (like Kate from Violet Daffodils who nominated me to do this - thank yooouuu) that are keeping it alive!
I did one a few months back, and this one sounds even more fun!
So what is a blogger award if it's not winning something?... well here's the rules for this one...
sunshine blogger award rules:
* Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog
* Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you
* Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award and ask them 11 new questions
* List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog site.
kate's questions:
001: what job did you want to have when you were younger and does it relate to what you are doing now?
Waaaay back in primary school my dream was to be a zoo keeper and work with animals, but going forward to high school that was crushed because I realised I was CRAP at science lol. So, right now I'm working for Lush, and I'm currently wanting to work towards either a management or creative career - e.g. photography. But I don't know yet...
002: what are 3 highlights of your month so far?
OK! (1.) Twenty One Pilots returning with two incredible songs - gutted I missed out on tour tickets... (2.) Just having a great time at work and (3.) Booking cinema tickets for me and my mum to see Mamma Mia this week!
003: think of your favourite blogger/youtuber, how did you first discover them?
I'm not going to talk about Zoella - as we all know I love her. But I also LOVE Gabbie aka velvetgh0st and I discovered her through popping up on twitter because someone I followed liked her tweet and I thought she looked so cool. I checked out her channel and I've watched her since she was about to move out of her parents to her first ever flat!
004: if today was the last day of your life. what 3 meals would you have for your last breakfast, lunch and dinner? (it can be something you like to cook, a family member cooks, a meal from your favourite restaurant, whatever you enjoy most)
Well, I don't eat breakfast so I would just have my usual coffee - a Starbucks duh, lunch would be my dad's pasta bake because that's the beeeeest and dinner would be Domino's. You know aaall the carbs because I would be dead before I would feel guilty and have to work out haha.
005: what is your favourite quote?
"When life gives you lemons make lemonade" I just love this quote so much because I generally like lemonade and I have it on one of those pinteresty letter boards in my room.
006: which 3 places in the world would you love to visit if money was no object?
Somewhere in Italy - not sure where exactly, LA to explore and do all the insta things and climb the Hollywood Hills (obvs) aaaaand Paris! Mainly to go to Disneyland...
Somewhere in Italy - not sure where exactly, LA to explore and do all the insta things and climb the Hollywood Hills (obvs) aaaaand Paris! Mainly to go to Disneyland...
007: what is the oldest clothing item in your wardrobe?
I have no clue to be honest, probably my cookie monster primark pjs which I got in high school and still wear to this day. OR my MCR tee I bought from Camden.
008: do you own something of sentimental value? if so, what is it?
Does my box of keepsakes count? It's got loads of penpal letters, special cards, photos and a little Piglet quote book my mum got me that means so much.
009: if you could create your own blogging/youtube award/tag, what would you name it?
Something to do with food probably... Peaches and Cream Blogger Award??
010: if you could be fluent in another language, what would it be and why?
I don't really have a desire to learn a language after my high school experience but maybe Italian. Just because my family are and I only know very few words...
011: how do you relax once the working day is over?
I either chill by watching youtube or reading a book after eating dinner. Pretty boring haha.
So here are my questions...
001: what is your favourite film of the year so far?
002: where do you find your main inspiration for blogging/youtube?
003: if you randomly were given a month off from work and responsibilities, what would you do with your time?
004: what's your favourite go to makeup brand for mostly everything?
005: are you a coffee or tea person?
006: what's your favourite childhood memory?
007: do you have any tattoos, if not would you ever consider getting some?
008: twitter or instagram? and why?
009: what are your plans for the summer?
010: where would your dream place be to live? city, coast or countryside?
011: who are you favourite bloggers?
And I nominate...
Thanks for reading guys, and if you're not nominated, it's ok, feel free to answer my questions in your own post and link me to it in the comments so I can read it! x
2 Comentarios
Thank you for answering my questions Fran! I've really enjoyed reading through them :D I think its so interesting that you originally wanted to be a zoo keeper, I had a similar thing about wanting to be a vet, I wasn't very good at biology in school though haha or the other sciences for that matter haha! I love that you and your family are Italian! That's so cool! :D I'd also love the visit the same places as you as well :D snap! The keepsake boxes definitely count, bet that is so nice to have pen pal letters you can go back to and read again and again :) xx
ReplyDeleteAww I'm so happy you loved my answers! And yay high five for animal dreams haha!
DeleteThank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*