Why I'm Not Putting Pressure On Myself To Do Blogmas And Vlogmas This Year

Taking it easy... with a festive cup of coffee...

It's the most wonderful time of year guys!

Everyone is doing blogmas and vlogmas, in high spirits, and life is great.

And this is the second year I've done both. I thought I'd be kind of stressed - not going to lie. But, like everyone else, I hope, I'm really enjoying it.

One reason why, is because (if you can't tell already haha) I LOOOOOOVE this time of year. The magic, the preperations, the snacks, aesthetics, music, etc.

But the second is because I've put no pressure on myself to do it. I was worried I was going to feel like I was forcing myself to do something that everyone else is doing. But, thankfully that's not the case.

IN FACT GUYS. It's made me love blogging and vlogging even more. I'm saying this from the experience of last year as I'm actually typing this the month before. (I'm so organised lol) You might not see blog posts every day from blogmas. But, I feel like I can't beat the amount I managed to do last year.

 I'm just making it veeery festive and chilled.

And every two days I'm publishing blog posts for Christmas that I want to do, and not have to do. Having pressure on yourself is no fun, and what's the point of doing both of these festive online things if you're only doing it if you're hoping for views...

So, with that said, here's to the rest of the month being full of fun photoshoots and exciting festive content!! *rings Christmas bell in cheer*

Are you doing blogmas/vlogmas this year?


2 Comentarios

  1. I think when blogging or vlogging starts to put pressure on you, it always means you should take a step back! I've felt pressure with my blog so much over all these years I've been blogging, and last year I felt bad about not having time to really produce Christmas content. This year I'm being just like you - enjoying it and not feeling pressured about competing with everyone else! I hope you enjoy this Christmas and get to do lots of Christmas stuff!

    Julia x
    Last Post: My 2018 Autumn Makeup Look | https://juliaspeaksbeauty.blogspot.com/2018/12/makeup-my-2018-autumn-makeup-look.html

    1. That’s the way to do it tbh! Otherwise you’ll feel like you’re just doing it for the sake of it and I’m not about that! :)


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*