Oh Ho Ho Ho! It's Finally Christmas Week!


Oh wooooow...

It's already the 21st December and Christmas Day IS FRIDAY...

So this post is to help mark the occasion as I'm diving deep into Christmas shifts at work - and I wanted to wish you all a cosy festive day with whatever you plan to do with the week/day (despite the circumstances!)

AAAAAND, I wanted to share with you all the five things I aim to do this week. To make it as Christmassy AS POSSIBLE! Also, let me know in the comments if you're gonna do any of these too!

Ps. can we just take a moment to appreciate my illustration that accompanies this post as I'm INCREDIBLY proud of my efforts! (Follow me on my illustration account here for more!)

  • Crack open one of my Cadbury's Heroes chocolate tubs.
  • Finish wrapping all the presents.
  • Plan my beautiful Christmas Eve feast (to eat on my break at work)
  • Watch more Christmas films - and all the Christmas specials of my fave shows!
  • Eat more festive food lmao
  • And most importantly, enjoy the week and try not to think about the situation...
What's your plan for the week?

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Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*