10 Things I Learnt About Life In The Past Year

She back!

I want to make a joke about how long I've been gone for...

But it's been like a year, so that's a bit ridiculous! Life really said "we need you in the moment".

And that's where she been at.

A whole year and SO FRICKING MUCH has changed that I thought I should make a return with a little post on what I've learnt about myself - and life - in the past year.

It feels good to be back, and I hope regular programming will resume shortly...

001: We've been through a pandemic, so it's ok to reset those goals from now

002: Don't be too hard on yourself, you're doing good even if you don't feel it

003: Bubble tea is actually the nectar of the gods

004: You will continue to meet new people who will mean the world to you

005: Dreams can change and alter when you go through life experiences

006: There is so much of the world to explore and I experienced the mere tip in September

007: I should really start eating those greens from now...

008: "Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus Fly Trap?" Thanks MARINA!

009: Mario Kart just seems to get harder, Animal Crossing is still fun two years later

010: Clothes have just become part of my creative expression

What have you learnt in the past year?


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Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*