The Spring Mix-tape

Let's crank up those tunes...

Nothing in this world can be more important than music.

Fight me on this.

Ever since I can remember, my ears have been glued to any form I can listen music with. In more recent years, it has been a mix of CD's, vinyls and the primary form of Spotify.

Your girl can proudly say that she has reached 40 hand crafted playlists on her account. And the 40th one is being shared for your ear's pleasure.

May I present "golden hour".

Inspired by my previous post with the love letter to Spring, I wanted to create the energy of having some dreamy songs you can play while the sun sets and basks you in golden glow in the park.

Have a little look below and maaaaybe even save it for yourself...


Have you got any fave playlists?


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Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*