Sunday Snuggle Down #45

It's donut day whoop whoop

Yes, those donuts were the size of my head, and yes they were only £2 and I had to get one for my Saturday night snacking haha. And if you see donuts like these today, defo get some because they can literally make your weekend evening... Aside from this discovery, I've been off for the first weekend in years (ok not quite but y'know) so I'm taking it in my stride and relaxing.

Today I'm giving my skin a breather with no makeup and chilling on the sofa while watching some Sunday tv! If you're vegging out today as well, I've got some lovely blog posts that have tickled my fancy this week (ooh I never say that phrase haha) and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did. Have a fabulous Sunday as always and make the most of it before the new week starts! xx

  • So it's the last day of the weekend, you want to have a nibble on something, but you don't want to endure the effort of making something. Fear not, Maria has some snack ideas that are sooo easy and healthy! Enjoy!
  • If you're really wanting to kick a shopping habit, then check out Mandy's post about her tips on how to tackle and change it...
  • I LOVE Carrie's posts, they're just the epitome of taking your time and relaxing, and her post about starting the day right and will for sure help us on Monday mornings haha.
  • Even if we're moving more towards Spring, our hands still need some care and Kate has some lovely hand cream picks that help our mitts to not feel like the Sahara desert.
  • Music is part of our everyday life and no matter where we look it's always there. And reading music blog posts is one of the best things ever aside from beauty and lifestyle, and Lauren brings a post about the music that is the soundtrack to her life. You could discover some new faves here...
  • Wanting to up your blogging game? The best place to turn to is props for your photos. Rhianna brings some handy suggestions which are not only pretty but can make them look Pinterest worthy!
How was your week my lovely readers?
