The Blogging Culture | Is It Bad?

After reading Zoe London's post on the blogging culture last week, I thought it was time to put my opinion out there. (Even though my opinion will be small compared to hers) But I generally feel like only a small part or even half of this lovely community is doing blogging for fun. I always thought that the pure aim of blogging was to write about what you love, share it on the internet and having readers as a bonus. I'm not a blogger that religiously posts to please my readers, I post when I feel like it and it's nice to see people enjoy reading what I share. I'm grateful for the followers I have, but I sometimes think people join the blogging community and expect followers and readers to flood in. It's not like that, yes, some people gain a readership quickly but don't go expecting to gain as many followers as some well known bloggers like A Beautiful Mess, In The Frow and Zoella. I'm guessing it was very different back then before blogging became the norm and everyone grew a thirst to become the next big blogger.

Even bloggers with 300 or less seem to be cramming their pages with adverts from businesses - not that there's anything wrong with that and I'm not judging. But as a blogger for a few months, I feel some people have the primary aim to become a full time blogger, have it as a job and expect brands to flood them with opportunities and free gifts is a bit far fetched. It basically takes the enjoyment out of blogging, if you want to blog don't jump to conclusions and expect invites to blogger events. Take it slow and enjoy the time you have, and share that post about mascara you've always wanted to have. Blogging isn't one big long commercial, everyone should be true to themselves and actually blog about what they like, and not what's trending. Sure, you might really like that new primer that everyone's raving about, but inject some personality into that post.

This isn't aimed at anyone but just a general thing that I'm feeling. It frustrates me how some people post on other people's posts "Check me out! I'm a new fashion/beauty/lifestyle blog!", because no one will check you out and consider it spam so it's a comment wasted and doesn't look nice in between lovely comments about the post. When I comment, I just talk about their post and if I would try that product or agree with their view and leave my blog link - therefore I'm not forcing anyone to check me out and they can visit my blog if they're intrigued. If you do gain a lot of followers and turn it into a job from a hobby you loved then that's amazing, but please don't abuse the traditional values (I sound so old, but I promise you I'm not haha) of blogging and expect to make a career in a month or so, it won't happen. Even though there's loads of bloggers that advertise and go to events, I think this is what people expect to happen when becoming a blogger. Yes, I admit that I thought that when I made mine, but over the year I learnt that it isn't about being popular and blending in with the crowd, it's about being different, going your own way and not expecting to become the next big thing in a year or two. (It's taken most 4 or 5 years!)

And lastly can I give a shout out to the cuties that are original and unique with what they do (and to everyone else I follow, I love you too so you're no less than them but I can't fit everyone in haha xx)

What do you guys think about the blogging culture?

*Sorry this post came across as quite negative


10 Comentarios

  1. I really enjoyed this post, I've been very curious about this current topic going around at the moment and all this 'hating on the internet' too. I liked reading your thoughts on it :) I think it should all be about expressing what you like, interests, hobbies etc and seeing other people's thoughts and opinons and even if working with a brand, stay true to yourself, otherwise let them know politely that it would not fit in with your blog and come to compromise or something along those lines. I prefer on a post to see that little '*' sign or a 'this is sponsored' on a post that is supported by a brand for some reason as I think okay so I know going in, but when some try and disguise it in their posts or vlogs, I find it doesn't come across genuine. I think when people join it with the wrong intentions it kind of comes across already. Although the only thing I disagree with is if someone says 'check out my blog' after commenting on my post, when I have a day completely free to blog how I please I'll go through and look at them as sometimes its a good way to find new people, I can understand why people find it annoying as it may come across a bit 'look at me, look at me' and spammy but I personally don't mind it :D

    Also thank you so much Francesca for including me in your list above, I feel honoured :D <3

    have a great week!


    1. thank you for sharing your opinion and I agree with the '*' completely and you're welcome :) x

  2. i think it's very true, everyone goes into the business side so soon! x

  3. I totally agree with what you're saying! I'm fairly new to blogging but I have been very keen to avoid obnoxious self promotion and I always have to remind myself that not every post is always going to be as popular as the last (I seem to bounce from 80 to 3 to 30 in terms of page views, so annoying!) so that I can make sure that I stay motivated with my blog. One thing that particularly annoys me is people who are clearly blogging in order to get free stuff when what they don't seem to understand is that if you're not doing your blog for enjoyment no one will read it for enjoyment! I love blogging and writing my blog is one of my favourite things to do and as much as I'd love to have thousands of followers and go to every blogger event I know that it takes time and effort and might not even happen with that. And this post wasn't too negative, it's good to share some opinions! xx

    1. thank you and same here but working hard and not expecting an easy ride is the way!

  4. This was really interesting to read, I think my biggest pet hate is when blogs seem to just become a set of adverts of things that have been sent to them. I think with blogging, a bit of ambition is good, but you should always be blogging because you love it not because you want freebies or to become popular.

    1. Thanks and yes I agree! Btw I love your posts and the most recent one I read about improving your readership was so helpful thanks xx

  5. Love this! You basically just said everything that I feel about the blogging world.. Same with you, I blog because writing is my hobby. I used to write in a piece of paper or on my world document until a friend of mines introduce me to Blogger. I didn't know that blogging is such a big community until a couple of months ago. I love reading advice and feedbacks from others about my writing. That is why I write and publish my creations online. I want feedbacks and advice from other people to improve my skill, and I cant thank them enough for always supporting me. But nowadays, people take this community for granted, they just think about making money and being popular. A part of me despise them for even thinking about it, but there's nothing we can do about it, right? They really just pollute the main idea of blogging, sadly :(


    1. I know and I agree with what you're saying, I also used to write in a journal and it wasn't till a few years later (this year) that I decided to create a blog :)


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*