This Is Not A How To Post

-- Here's a lovely little Sunday post for 
you guys to read --

Did the title get your attention? I hope it did. If not, thanks for reading anyway haha. Today can be summed up in three words: rain, revision and reading. It's chucking it down as I speak and it's nearly June which makes me think 'What the hell are you doing weather?!' I do like the raindrops on the windows and I feel snugly inside my room with my revision cards. But I just want it to be nice and sunny. And yes, I'm making this post a random little life post. It's a Sunday, it should be relaxing and I'm not even going to bother to try and make this post one bit helpful. Hence the title.

Here's 5 thing's I've done this week:

1. Revised a load of The Bloody Chamber for my English Lit exam *ew*

2. Read Girl Online again. I'm 18 but it's an addictive book ok? And the cover is cute.

3. Seen loads of rain. And it brought my mood right down to the ground.

4. I bought another choker. I can't get enough of them - my latest one is similar to Zoe London's.

5. I've used two of my bath bombs already this week and they've been amazing. I can't wait to use them all so I can write a post for you guys.

Aside from London, my week was that boring that I scrapped the barrel for that list. Though what has been the soundtrack to my week is Meghan Trainor's album. Ok, she's not been popular recently, but it's an amazing collection of songs and they're all so catchy. I'm actually planning to do a post on her album next week. But before that, I'm going to recommend one song. Credit. Listen to it, and you might be sold over by her sound. You're welcome.

I don't know what to type now, but I think I'm going to stop or I'll be blabbing on forever.
So, have a good Sunday and I'll see you all with a proper post tomorrow. x

4 Comentarios

  1. The weather has been so ridiculous. One minute it's super warm and sunny and now it's cold and rainy! Wish the weather would make its mind up already.

    1. ikr it's really bugging me argh

  2. I love Meghan Trainor's sound as well! Her lyrics are all pretty catchy as well.


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*