Create Nail Goals At Home With Impress Nails

Get to die for nails in minutes

The way I found out about Impress Nails was when there was a wave of youtubers all doing paid videos to promote this brand - and rave about how good they were...

Now I'm either easily swayed to part with my money or a bit like 'ok, but is it worth my money?' And at first, I'd have to say it was the latter, until right at the beginning of last week when I was in Superdrug deciding to treat myself and came across the nails (which were situated right opposite the Revolution stand).

And I thought 'they're part of three for two on nails and beauty, so let's give these guys a go' Because I'm not really about that nail and fiddly glue life.

Then they went into my basket.

So what do I think???

Well, I'm lazy, and like I said, I don't like the whole fake nail with glue diy life. I tried it once. NEVER AGAIN. So, these were right up my street, as they have a strong dual layer adhesive to allow you to press the nails onto your nails. I picked up 'Symphony' for £7.99 which has the prettiest gold foil and glitter gel finish.

You get 30 nails in each pack, so enough I feel for one set and spares in case they fall off. (Spoiler: a couple did in my case, but we'll get to the reason soon...) As well as a nail wipe to clean your nails ready for application and a cute little nail file to let you shape the nails once applied.

It was pretty easy and I reckon it took about 5 minutes to do, because the adhesive is reaaaally strong. You just need to choose the nails, clean your nails then get applying by applying as much pressure as you can so they stick and last longer.

If I'm being honest it didn't feel like I had fake nails on because they attached SO WELL to my nails they felt like my actual nails - and they're perfect length too. (See above pics - but can we ignore the tiny hair on my arm in the bottom that decided to just chill there thanks)

Now, if you're like me and have a job where it's pretty physical and you have your hands in water a lot, then the first set PROBABLY won't last. Hence both of my first finger nails peeling off... That's what you get for opening loads of boxes. But if your job is office based, then I think you'll be fine.

I was kind of hoping these would last over a week, but after reading the instructions it does say 'do not exceed wear over seven days'. I guess that means because if it was any longer then our nails will start becoming soft as they need to breathe.

So, I guess if you're looking for nails to last, get them done professionally as these would be good for one off special events/weekends.

But overall, £7.99 isn't bad as the quality reflects the price and I definitely would buy these again as they have a whoooole range of options. It would have to be when I'm off for longer though haha.

Have you guys tried diy press on nails?


4 Comentarios

  1. Thank you for the honest review! The set you picked is absolutely gorgeous. I guess for the price, it seems like the quality is pretty good - although I'm not one for fake nails as luckily my natural nails are quite strong and I can just paint them over and over. If you get different designs of those in the future I hope you'll share them as well! :)

    Julia x
    Last Post: The Red Summer Dress |

    1. That's ok and thank you! I'm going to try another set when I'm on holiday and I will! x

  2. OMG they are stunning! Love the glitter!

    x Lisa |

    1. Thank you so much! Looking forward to doing pretty autumn nails! x


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*