A Little Love Letter To Pick & Mix Sweets

Sweet dreams are made of these

There's NOTHING quite like a trip to the seaside or a general summery adventure out on a lovely hot day, and treating yourself to a whooooole bag of pick and mix sweets...

My mouth is now watering thinking about these.

I feel I don't appreciate these little moments of packing a stripy paper bag full of sweets - knowing full well you'll be way over the starting price of £1.50.

It's a big occasion when you can stuff yourself of all the sugar without feeling too bad. Because you're on HOLIDAY!! And everything is sooo photogenic so you can get some cute insta opportunities in too.

If these sweets had faces, they'd be actual kawaii.

When you pop a favourite in your mouth, it takes you back to your childhood and being excited that your parents are treating you to so many delights. Think strawberries, shrimps, vanilla fudge, jazzies, milk bottles, THE LOT.

A summery trip for all your senses.

Dear sweets, thank you making British summers worth looking forward to, and creating the highlight of exploring seaside towns. We may forget about you at other times of the year, but please note you have a treasured place in our sugar hungry hearts...

Comment below if you love pick and mix sweets too!


4 Comentarios

  1. Ya can't beat a good pot of pix n mix - after reading this I really want to pop out and go and get myself some ahh!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. You really can’t! I’m craving the ones I got from Brighton last month haha x

  2. I’m in love with the aesthetic of his post! The colours are beautiful!! Also, I wish I was more of a sweet tooth cause it looks delicious!!

    1. Thank you! I do really love this photo! I hardly ever buy sweets when it's not a pick and mix because I'm more of a chocolate person haha


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*