The Sunday Summary #2

-- I'd like to welcome an official chilled weekend 
post that sums up my week --

If you're reading my post on my actual blog, then you'll see I went back to the previous minimal theme. I prefer it as I got tired of the one I had previously, so I'm going to keep this until I have the money for a snazzy paid one. Anyway, I thought about how Sunday's are really relaxing days and then I thought about what kind of post I would like to do that day and that's why I'm carrying on this little series. I did a post before I went on holiday as a trial, and I really enjoyed writing it so hey, it's now a thing.

Van Gogh:
Yeah, I saw actual paintings from Van Gogh in the National Gallery and I felt very cultured. There were loads of religious paintings as well, and even though they have a serious message and look serious, sometimes I couldn't take them seriously. Some portraits looked scary, others has hilarious names. Want to see 'The toilet of Venus' anyone? We also saw the famous sunflowers painting from Van Gogh, and if you remember when Amy was in Doctor Who (if you watch it) and she and the Doctor met him, then you know why I was excited by this painting.

Sunny London:
When I went with my mum to the National Gallery we also spent time walking around Convent Garden and the weather was so nice. It makes me love London even more to be honest with you guys - though I'm still daydreaming about having a day in Brighton. I'm honestly so glad that the weather has been hot in the beginning of July, and I hope it holds up into next week. Oh wait, it's going to rain. Did I speak too soon?

The 1975:
My favourite outfit of the week included some Primark shorts - which are so comfy I swear Primark have upped their game in recent months - and a The 1975 shirt which I got from America. The 1975 are among some of my favourite artists ever and their music is so unique and different. I also felt really cool and hipster when I went out if I say so myself...

Caramel Coffee Jelly:
I think I have found my new favourite frappuccino which easily beats the s'mores one I had in America. It's coffee with coffee flavoured jelly and caramel. It was so so so beautiful I can't wait to have another one tomorrow. The jelly reminds me of bubble tea because it's at the bottom of the frappuccino and is the definition of divine perfection. If you want some coffee but also something cold but sweet on a hot day, then you guys need to try this!!

That's my exciting rant over, I'll be back the day after tomorrow as I'm going out with a friend to London (again), so have a good Sunday everyone. xx

8 Comentarios

  1. I love your outfit in the third pic. I'm definitely going to have to check out those Primark shorts!

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. thank you :) and I think they were £13 x

  2. Sounds like you had quite the lovely Sunday! i am a big fan of Van Gogh's artwork - the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam is just amazing and it was there where I really fell in love with his work. It was also so interesting to see his progression and growth as an artist whilst viewing his paintings chronologically. London is great, isn't it? I was there a few weekends on a short weekend holiday and I always have the best time!

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  3. Photography is GORGEOUS!

    With Love,
    Anna || Curly Scribbles

  4. I loved the Van Gogh episode of Doctor Who, it was way too emotional. And omg I've been thinking of trying that new coffee flavour, but wasn't sure if it would be good - now I definitely will! x

    1. good good, the second time around it tasted even better :)


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*