The Rise Of Blogs Vs. Magazines

-- Are bloggers overtaking the power of publishers 
in terms of fashion, beauty and travel? --

From my own personal view, I've seen magazines fall and rise along with the continued success of blogs. Before February 2014, my life revolved around magazines and I was nestled in the cosy cocoon of Company, ELLE and heat. I got my fashion and beauty tips from their dedicated pages, and then I discovered blogs. These magazines that I loved dwindled from there in number. After the cover of Zoella (seen above), Company and their continued support for bloggers seemed to disintegrate and now even their website has gone. heat went out of my window and ELLE is the only one that remains along with independent magazines that are so unique, blogs can't even beat them.

It's come to my attention that readers are looking more to blogs because they can update on beauty and fashion news at the click of a button whereas, in magazines, you just have to wait till the next issue. I do love blogs because of people's individual creativity and their power to bring readers in and up to speed. But in some ways it does sadden me. In 2009 everyone was starting out and magazines were dominating, but now everything's sped up and magazines are falling behind. Long gone are the days where you read a magazine about 10 times and patiently waited for the next issue to see the upcoming trends. I feel the only good things about magazines are that they are great props for blog photos.

No wonder magazines are going up in price. They have to compensate for the falling sales due to printing costs and in comparison, viewing a blog post is 100% free. I sincerely hope I'm not the only one that wants to hold on to the memories of great magazines and their pages and pages of goodness. I swear the past few issues of ELLE have been really thin and the likes of Cosmo and Glamour keep talking about the same things. Maybe it's time for blogs to come up top and let the magazines serve those who prefer to read print.

What's your opinion on blogs vs. magazines?

ps. my current fave blogger is LLYMLRS so she's featured in the blog photo today!

10 Comentarios

  1. Great post, so interesting to read! I also love magazines, I don't get them anymore sadly, but when they were popular, it was so fun going to the shops and buying them to cuddle up in bed with, with a pot of tea, flicking through the pages...ah the internet really is taking over!
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

  2. I personally prefer blogs. I like that you can interact with the content producer in real time. If you need fashion advice a lot of bloggers will help you out. I appreciate the interactive nature of blogging. It seems like a two way conversation, not just one way, which is how magazines feel to me. If I had to pick I'd go with a blog any day.


    1. that's very true, but if it isn't to do with fashion or beauty advice, sometimes creative articles are good in print! :)

  3. I love both although I've recently swayed a little away from fashion magazines and instead towards interior design ones. Although that said I usually buy at least one fashion magazine a month. I love having things to look at when I'm out and about (like on the tube to uni) or when I really want to chill out and not stare at a screen. I do think there's a real danger of bloggers simply replacing magazines though! x


    1. I agree, magazines need to change their game a little to keep up. And same! I've been getting Style at Home because of the choices for creativity in my home! Though I really want to buy Living etc

  4. I miss the days of reading Company - it really was one of my favourtite magazines and given their suppport for bloggers, it's such a shame that because of blogs there was less demand for it! I love reading and discovering new blogs as I feel it is so much more personal and maybe more reliable than a magazine. But I still need a good sit down with a Vogue or Elle (or even the Saturday pull-outs from newspapers) and a cup of tea, so I really don't want magazines to disappear all together x
    Charlotte's Road

    1. Yes! A cup of coffee and the latest magazine you bought is the best feeling ever! I still have all my company magazines because the spines are too pretty, have you kept yours?

  5. This is such a good topic! i didn't even realise Companys website had gone, but i didn't really use it as i found it too complicated! I loved buying their magazine and I actually found it more of an excitement having to wait till the next issue but the immediacy of blogs is super helpful too and much easier to refer too!! xx

    1. True, and when someone changes their blog design it's more exciting but magazines can't do that straight away or they don't change it that much... And yeah, you get redirected to the Cosmo site now when you type in the Company mag URL :(


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*