Sundays are for candles and catch ups
What's this my friends? A Sunday post?? Yup, I've left these for too long and I'm back with one that's like cosying up with a blanket and a candle while reading a book. And oh look, here's a pic of a candle I managed to snap up from TK Maxx this week.
This isn't a drill, the brand actually have autumn candles in! And this beautiful spicy delight was the one I opted for - I mean look at the label and the freakin' owl!!
Aside from that, work has been super fun and in the past two days while I've been off and relaxing (and of course creating a new header for the blog - you like??), I've been reading loads of posts. Soo, here's a lovely list of all the topics I think you guys will LOVE! So, settle back, take a deep breath and read on...
- Jemma highlights the topic of following people you may not like (anymore) and I think this is something no one really talks about...
- I loved Harriet's post about positivity and confidence. It's something I'm aspiring to and getting better at, and I hope you guys can relate too!
- Even if the weather in the UK is being a bit iffy recently, look no further than Jaclyn's post on throwing the ultimate summer garden party. Prepare to salivate at food while getting ideas...
- Feeling a bit low this week? Same. Kirstie, however, has come up with some happy mood hacks which are surely right up our street! (feat. cheese toasties and dancing)
- There's nothing better than reading a post about a place or places you can happily put on your travel bucket list. Kristabel has one about 6 NYC restaurants that aren't about burgers that we need to visit!
- It's baking time guys! And Hayley has an amazing recipe up her sleeve - oreo cupcakes! Yep. And they look too good not to give a go and eat the whole batch after...
What have you guys been up to this week?