Dear Autumn

A letter to the best season of all

Autumn. You're amazing. Even though the days are getting shorter, darker and it's bringing me down, you make up for it by showing me all the colours that you offer through the sunsets and leaves. Purples, oranges, reds and yellows bring happiness to my heart and are the best part of the year. It's like green is a camouflage that the leaves wear, until their calling comes and they show their true colours to the world as a gift and a last farewell.

You make candles suddenly so appropriate for the time of year. Perfect for mood lighting and getting cosy with sweet and spicy scents. I suddenly have appreciation for the act of hygge and thank the Danish for bringing it to our attention. With fairy lights, my pumpkin spice/hot chocolate candle (more on those in another post) burning like an autumnal beacon, I settle down with a warming mug of coffee with a book or YouTube playlist ready to watch on my laptop.

In between fun moments at work, I savour these sweet little nuggets of moments, and long for the next evening to do it all again. Autumn, you bring to mind that amazing Dumbledore quote that every Potterhead knows: "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

The only bad thing is, you make me spend all my money on jumpers I don't need. But they're the best part of it all. Wearing cosy knits almost every day while slathering pumpkin hued eyeshadow on my eye lids is what I love about crisp autumnal mornings. We may be already nearly halfway through you, but you bring a comforting reminder that Christmas isn't so far away...

If you guys liked this post, then do let me know in the comments, so I know to do one for Christmas!

image taken from melina souza.

Are you an autumn obsessed person too?
