Is The Soap & Glory De-Clog Mask A-Peeling??

Is this the best drugstore option?

This honestly feels like the kind of beauty posts I did when I first started my blog in 2014, and went out of my way to go to Boots and spend money on products to review.

I was in Boots (of course) the other week and was buying essentials and wanted a different kind of mask for my face. The heat was making my face look and feel like a mess, and I just wanted to SORT. IT. OUT.

I ended up at the Soap & Glory counter and spotted this de-clog mask. It sounded right up my street, plus I know it's probably bad for your skin, but I LOVE a peel off mask. (I don't use them all the time though ok??)

I was pretty excited to give this a go! If the cute packaging was anything to go by, I was in for a treat.

Sooo, in this you get two pods which is enough for two uses and a little scoop to help with application! The mask says to contain kaolin clay, vitamins C and E, oolong tea, lentil seed, ginger, etc. Basically loads of brightening and cleansing spices oooh.

I used this the other night and here are my thoughts... (Grab a cuppa this might be a looong review)

After cleansing my face, I popped one of the pods open and was quite surprised at how much product you get in there. Plus it was pink! My actual aesthetic! Though I do have to say you do get more than enough in it for one application. You can probably use it between two people - perfect for pamper evenings followed by an epic carbs fest.

But it was too much for me and it felt like such a waste. Kind of wish it was in a jar or plastic pot so I didn't have to get rid of the product after putting it on every inch of my face...

I left it for the recommended 20-25 mins - it felt so smooth and of course in the meantime I took the opportunity to take some cute selfies which you will see above - and then it was time to peeeeeel.

And boy! Did it actually hurt!

They did say it would be gripping but I've never had a mask that hurt to take off... I felt like I was literally pulling all the grime off my face. Apart from the pain it was super satisfying. Like peeling off PVA glue in primary school.

I have to say I did feel my face was soft after and cleansed. And I noticed a few spots on my nose that were drawn out from the effect of the mask. I simply sprayed my Lush Tea Tree Water on my face after and it's pretty much cleared up now. So, it's really good for getting out niggling spots.

Any bad things?? Well, my cheeks were red and burning after but I reckon it was due to the peeling off. But it subsided pretty quickly.

Would I buy it again?? For £4.00 it's pretty good for two applications but like I said before, it would be good to share as each pod has more than enough - which you can't keep unfortunately... So it would be more of a rare purchase than a regular cleanse...

Have you tried any S&G face masks?


2 Comentarios

  1. Oh I didn’t find it hurt at all taking it off and my skin is pretty sensitive. When I use this the remaining amount I put in the fridge so I don’t waste it and use it later in the week.

    1. oooh maybe I'm just weak haha and what did you put the rest of the product in? Did you leave it in the tub?? x


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