How To Have Happy Hands

Hand self care!

I don't know about you but with washing your hands slightly more than normal, the skin on my hands has become like the driest desert...

SOOOO I stocked up on hand cream.

And it was the best decision ever. (can you tell this is the best kind of content i can come up with)

I've been really loving The Body Shop's hand creams - especially almond milk and honey.

Every hand cream I've bought from there has been really nourishing on the skin - they also sink really easily into the skin.

AAAAAND I make sure I put a bit on after I wash my hands and before I go to bed every night.

Hand creams in all are a life saver in these times, plus your skin is going to smell good!

Other brands of hand cream I really love include:

  • Soap & Glory hand food
  • Lush charity pot and any of their hand body lotions
So let's go forth in isolation and give our hands the best pampering of their lives. Lol.

What hand creams do you love?


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Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*