Why Illustration + Art Is Good For The Soul

Take your mind away...

If there's one thing I've let myself get lost in while staying at home is getting super creative!

And I'm talking about art! (Not building up and designing my Animal Crossing island)

It's a magical place to travel to in your mind and forget about what's going on. And have something coming from your mind to have it appear in front of you in paper or digitally.

I've done a few pieces in this time (which are pictured here) and it's also made my wonder "If I keep practicing, heck, could I even do this as a career??" Because I LOVE IT.

Taking an hour or so out of your day - or if you're even wondering what to do with your morning/afternoon - can be really beneficial. I think of drawing as a kind of meditation.

And, in all honesty, it doesn't matter if you feel you aren't as good as you'd like to be. You can doodle, sketch an outline of someone or something or three hand a favourite piece of illustration to help improve.

I've had a few days when I've felt quite anxious, and throwing myself into art has really helped. And by the end of a session, I've felt really elated and eager for the next day to do even more!

Watching an episode of Grayson's Art Club, I realised I hadn't done actual physical art in YONKS. (Who's also said that art is about your interpretation of something, and not to worry about something not being spot on, because that's what cameras and photography's for) As, since January, I've mainly focused on my new love of digital art.

Sooooo, your girl over a week or so whipped up the two pieces below. Please let me know if you can tell who they are haha...

And it won't stop there, I've made a little mental list of who I'd love to work on next...

So watch this isolated space...

What hobbies do you lose yourself in?

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Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*