Holy guacamole! Summer has gone so quick and I feel like I didn't do as much as I would have liked. I'm sadly going back to sixth form tomorrow to start year 13, my last year of education. It's going to be stressful, exciting and sometimes dead boring, but it's the last year before my friends go off to Uni. *sniff* Before summer started, I promised amazing things... Well, it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I hardly went out with friends partially because most of them went out in the evenings and I had to be confined to the walls of my room. (I wasn't imprisoned, it was just too late for me to go out - in my parents eyes)
What I did do was nice, I went to Brighton again, Oxford Street, the Saatchi Gallery, the cinema, Camden and random trips out. Overall, you could sum up my holiday with it consisting of a lot of tumblr, eating Ben and Jerry's, instagram and spending plenty of money in Lush. I've put together my favourite photos of the days in the holidays where I actually took nice, appealing photos that weren't from days in my room. Like 'The Palm Tree Collective' series I've started, I created two collages and will list them below.
I hope your summer was great and good luck for the year! Enjoy. x
Grid One (L-R)
{The BIG American Cream • Pizza Heaven • Music is Life • Golden Magnum Balloons on Regents Street • Urban Outfitters • Brighton Wheel}
Grid Two (L-R)
{Brighton Pier • Summer Sunset • American Apparel • Camden Lock • Saatchi Gallery • Nom Nom Ice Cream}