Things I'm Looking Foward To In 2015

-- Bring on the summer I say! --
Hola, the past couple of days have been a desert, I'm sorry I've been pretty busy and I hope you all understand. And this week I'm getting money, so I can buy all the essentials I need, which means more beauty posts as I want to try different brands for products that I use every day. Anyway, some exciting things have happened that I'm pretty excited about and I wanted to share it with you all, as it's my little space on the internet after all.
The first important thing is that I'm going to America! I literally can't wait, I'm going for two weeks, on the week after my first and only A2 exam, to see family in Tennessee and it's going to be amazing. I'm going to take loads of pictures and share them all with you when I can, that won't be till July though. I just hope I get to eat loads of food and spend plenty of money, and I hope to get the travel bug after this haha.
I also can't wait till my birthday *eek*, it's in May and I'll be turning 18. I literally can't comprehend that, and I'm sure I've told you guys plenty of times, but I can't wait to get my new phone then. It'll be a little present to myself, though being registered to vote is not one responsibility out of many adult responsibilities I want in life. I can't even phone the doctors for an appointment still...
Now that the festive season is well and truly over, though I did wear a Christmas jumper at the weekend. Well, it was the only one I could wear so... But it'll be summer soon, yay, I'm not excited by spring as it's a pretty boring season. I plan to do loads of things in the summer like going to London, galleries, Brighton, etc. Though it probably won't happen because all my friends will leave me to fend for myself.
Soon, I'll be leaving sixth form, which I'm happy about. Though I have to get through another two mocks and an exam before that happens. (I hate studying for mocks: a novel by me) I've probably said this point many times in various posts in the past few months, I'm sorry.
Are there any particular things you guys are looking forward to?
now playing: uptown funk // mark ronson ft. bruno mars

4 Comentarios

  1. I'm looking forward your posts on your travels!
    Your plans sound great. I can't wait for summer as well!
    Sending love, Laila

    1. thank you, I'm looking forward to taking the pictures and writing about it :) x

  2. Ooh have fun in America, I'm going to South Korea and Japan in Easter, so can't wait for that!


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*