A Summer's Lush Haul

-- So I snatched up the offerings that the general 
Lush stores are now offering --

On my trip to London with my friend, I came across the King's Road Lush store and delved inside to see the goodies they offered. No matter how hard the sales assistant tried to sell me shower gel and face masks, I knew that the three products I picked up were calling for me. It was pretty hard to ignore as a serious Lushie. Of course these are all my favourites, but recently Lush have brought a fraction of the delights from the Oxford Street store to the nationwide stores. I was very chuffed, if I say so myself to find the ones I adore now supplied in normal Lush stores. Here's a summary of what I picked up:

Big Blue:
The last time I showed this to you guys was last year when I was just starting out my blog and I bought it for the first time. Now three uses later, I picked it up again and once I tell you what's inside, it's a pretty obvious guess why this bath bomb should be kept for summer - or other times when you just want to be by the ocean. It has sea salt, seaweed, lavender and lemon oil, and all together they create this magical scent that screams ice cream, pebbles and sticking your feet in the cold ocean water at the beach. If you use this on a hot day in a luke warm bath to cool down, you can easily create that effect. Though you will literally have a bucket load of seaweed to clear out of the bath after.

I literally raved about this in my Lush Oxford Street haul post. Which you can read about here if you want. I went back after to get it again but they were out of stock, but once I saw the beauty in the King's Road store, I snatched it up. The name certainly lives up to it's name and has to be one of the best bath bombs out there. Forget The Experimenter, Intergalactic is the one you need to get for the burst of colours we thrive on for a cheerful Lush summer bath. I think I'm going to leave this one till last just to savor the experience before a repurchase. It contains popping candy, peppermint, grapefruit and hella load of gold glitter. *heart eyes*

Granny Takes a Dip:
They sadly discontinued the bath bomb of this and I was really sad because I loved how slow it was fizzing because of the colours and the scent was amazing. But thankfully they made it into a bubble bar. I'm really starting to love bubble bars right now, and the scent of ginger and lemon always sells me over. This should last me about two baths and provide loads and loads of bubbles. Yaaay. Thank you Lush for making one of my favourite scents into a bubble bar! <3

PS. The new Lush catalogue is also pictured above, you should really get it asap because it has all the new products in and you can make a super long wish list with it.

Have you guys picked up any Lush products as a summer treat?

2 Comentarios

  1. I love Intergalactic definitely one of my favourites I've tried so far. Up there with Frozen and The Experimenter :)


    1. Yeah, frozen is another amazing one too!


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*