Christmas Bucket List 2015

-- It's time wish upon a star --

Last year I failed in my quest to complete my Christmas bucket list, so I'm making this one easier. Even though I managed to do most of what was in last year's one, but it mainly involved taking a Christmas crazy companion along for the ride. I'm probably the only one out of all my friends who embraces Christmas to the max. I've had a Christmas drink every day for the past few days oops. So, here's what I'm planning to achieve this year...

Embrace Lush Christmas and try every product
Go to Winter Wonderland
See the Christmas lights on Oxford and Regent Street
And do a photography post of them on the blog
Visit the Christmas shop in Harrods
Read all my Christmas novels before Christmas Day
Have glittery nails
Fully burn a Christmas candle
Have new Christmas pajamas from Primark
Create a Christmas playlist and share it on the blog
Film a Christmas Q&A for my YouTube (franalibi)

It's a little easier this year, so I hope I can actually complete what I've set out to do haha. If I check back on Boxing Day and find I haven't completed at least a few then I'll go and live in a hole because I can't live Christmas up to the fullest haha.

What are you guys planning to achieve this Christmas season?

6 Comentarios

  1. I am so excited for Christmas this year! And all things festive! I want to do everything "Christmassy" thing available in London! x

    Natalia -

    1. Same and that involves a lot of Christmas light instagrams haha

  2. Christmas is my favourite time of year! I'm trying to get all of my shopping done early(ish) and I definitely want to go to the German Christmas Market in Birmingham. I'd love to see a post on the London Christmas lights if you do get to go!
    Laura x FloraLooTwo

    1. Damn I wish I lived in Birmingham:(

  3. This is such a good list of things - I really want to make one now!

    Lucy |

    1. Thank you! And make a post about it too! :3


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*