Be part of the amazing blogosphere
Blogging in recent years has EXPLODED and become the must have career/hobby for anyone who can work a computer. Not only is it allowing those who take it up to be expressive in their writing, but it can help push creative boundaries with the photography, blog design and overall branding of this amazing venture.
I've down countless posts about blogging, and from personal experience and having been doing this since 2014, it's the best hobby I could have asked for. It allows you to grow as a person, have fun and even helps with applying for jobs! (Especially those that focus on social media and creativity)
If you're dying to create your own space on the internet, but don't know where to start after choosing your domain, name and overall direction of where you want to go, then look no further than this post! I'm going to tell you three apps you need in your life to help with blogging. And if you're already a blogger, then this might be a great alternative to what you're doing...
001: VSCOCam/A Color Story: Ok, I've put two apps under one, but both are equally as amazing as the other. It's just how you prefer to edit photos in these apps that make them differ. If you're a gal (or guy) who takes photos on their phones for their blog - or emails DSLR pics to their phone to edit - then you'll be all over these. Without the fuss of Photoshop, you can easily brighten, contrast and add filters to your photos to make them stand out. On my blog you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between where I've edited them. They're that good!
002: Bitly: Aside from the actual blogging bit, you need to get your post out there. If you want to say so much on twitter when promoting a post or don't want a lengthy link in your insta bio, then Bitly is your best friend. It shortens your blog post links into sweet little nuggets of easy to copy and paste code. Now you have more letters to natter about what your post is about in your latest promo tweet!
003: Bloglovin': The most useful and obvious one in my opinion! Not only can you catch up on fellow blogger's posts but you can also see how many views/likes/saves you have on your own. (So you know what people are loving and what's popular) And if you haven't linked your blog to it, then go do it now! It's the most popular and easiest way to follow everyone. I literally have no idea where I would be without this site. I've been joined since day one and it hasn't failed me yet.
What apps do you guys use for blogging?