Blog Posts I've Loved Reading Recently #2

More posts to sink your teeth into

This caption goes sooo well with the picture of my pizza doesn't it?? Last week I went to Zizzi's with the family before work and I think I had the best pizza EVER. And that's a big statement if you know how much I love my tomato and cheese covered doughy bread lmao. Just look at it. ANYWAYS.

I have a whole bunch of new blog posts that I've loved recently and couldn't wait to share with you guys! As usual, (I guess I'm making this into another series) there's eight posts from eight amazing bloggers. So, I suggest you grab a cuppa and snack and settle into your fave nook and read on...

001: vivatramp // book haul feat. call me by your name: If you haven't noticed, I'm actual bookworm and I have a serious love for books (aside from pizza) and one of my faves is Bee who has an amazing blog and always has a book haul post up her sleeve. This recent one is a great one, and I even ended up buying some books from it on her recommendation! 

002: from roses // the podcasts that i can't get enough of: Books not your thing?? Then fear not, Rebecca has the ultimate posts about the podcasts you should listen to. And you might recognise some of these from some fave youtubers and bloggers. I for sure, will put aside some time to listen to these! (In fact I just decided to listen to one now as I carry on this post)

003: katie's world of beauty // 51 things to declutter: In the mood to spring clean early? But don't know where to start?? Then do make sure you check out Katie's. You're bound to find some of these that you can do yourself wooo.

004: emmy writes about // six bloggers who inspire me: I'm sure you're reading this blog post to discover more blogs, but blogception! Here's a post from a blogger to recommend her favourite bloggers! I LOVE these sorts of posts and defo thing it's nice to give your blog feed a bit of a refresh.

005: forever september // my favourite albums: Music a huge part of my life so I loved Lucy's post on all her fave albums. She even features one of my faves: The 1975 yaay. Maybe once you read this, you'll discover a new fave too??

006: rhyme and ribbons // vegan chocolate cake: Want to make the most of your days or weekend off?? Then why not bake this amazing chocolate cake? You don't have to be vegan, but I particularly loved this as I have some work pals who I want to bake for who are. You can't say no to chocolate really...

007: zoe london // your blog is your voice: Zoe has been a fave blogger for yeaaars and she's always down to earth. Especially with the topics she talks about. This one is particularly powerful, in my opinion, and so worth a read as it's about using your blog as your voice.

008: i want you to know // my pastel instagram guide to london: I have a real love for instagram, photography and all things pastel. So, Kristabel's post is right up my street. If you want to up your pastel game, then check out this post for sure as there's bound to be somewhere you'll be dying to go and shoot!

What blog posts have you loved recently?
