My Little Blog Turns Five!

What the actual heck?!

SO. Today marks five years of having this little slice of internet aaaaall to myself.


In true Fran style, I am freaking the f out because I can't believe I've kept something up for so long haha. I mean, I couldn't even keep up with writing journals as a child. (To be fair I was more interested in playing with my Build A Bear...)

February 11th 2014 was the day I created a blogger account and went straight into writing an emo style blog post about Valentine's Day - a much happier post is coming soon! I was that awkward self hating Zoella blogger wannabe. Sorry for being so savage 16 year old Fran...

Fast forward to 2019. I'm the happiest I've ever been. I'm loving my blog, my content and the life I'm leading. Okay, I've not made this a job in the five years I've been here - which I have to admit, I hoped for in 2014. But, with that dream aside, I'm just really chuffed to have this as a hobby.

I'm waffling on too much I'm sorry. But to celebrate these amazing five years (and hopefully the next!) I want to share with you guys five posts I've been so proud to publish for you guys from the past year!

Grab a snack and a beverage of choice, and let's get down memory lane kids!

  • I think I HAVE to start with my year in review from last year. As it was just a wonderful highlight of all the things I did and achieved and it always makes me smile to read it.
  • I've finally learnt how to take life slow and appreciate the little things, so I was pretty proud of my little post of how I'm bringing hygge into my life.
  • One major highlight was when I went to the Lush Showcase and took aaaall the photos which became this photo diary!
  • I jumped on the bandwagon and reviewed a little glossier haul! I rarely buy a load of makeup and skincare just for a blog review nowadays so it was so lovely and refreshing.
  • With the whole instagram debate on whether you should create a perfect theme or upload in the moment, I shared my own views on it here...
Here's to the next twelve months of amazing posts, growth and love I'm going to put into this blog!


8 Comentarios

  1. Congratulations on blogging for five years, that's insane! What a fab look back on previous posts too xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  2. Thank you so much Hannah! 💗 It really is! I can’t believe I’ve kept it up for this long! xx

  3. Happy blog birthday! You should be so proud of what you've created. I love how your blog is full of love and personality, and I can't wait to see what the next 5 years brings.

    Aycan //

  4. Thank you so much! Your comment has made me so happy as that’s my aim to show my love and personality through my posts! Especially coming from a blogger as amazing and as kind as you x

  5. Happy blog birthday! Here's to another five years xx

    Gemma • Gemma Etc . ❤️

  6. Thank you Gemma!! And I'm excited to see what the next five brings! x

  7. Happy 5th blog birthday Fran!

    Lucy | Forever September

  8. Thank you so much Lucy ily x


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! *all the hugs!*